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Your Rights

If you are in government care in B.C., the Child, Family and Community Service Act has a special section that gives you more protection for your rights. Section 70 says that, as a child or youth in care, you have the right to:

  • Live in a caring, secure and nurturing environment where you are properly fed, clothed and looked after.
  • Be told what is in your plan of care.
  • Be consulted and to express your views about important decisions that affect you.
  • Reasonable privacy and your own personal belongings.
  • Not be punished physically or in any other abusive way.
  • Be told how your caregivers expect you to behave.
  • Receive medical and dental care when you need it.
  • Take part in available social and recreational activities, suited to your interest and abilities.
  • Receive religious instruction and to take part in the religious activities of your choice.
  • Receive guidance and encouragement to maintain your cultural heritage.
  • An interpreter if language or disability keeps you from getting involved in plans for your care or custody.
  • Talk privately with members of your family.
  • Privacy during discussions with a lawyer, the Ombudsperson, a member of British Columbia’s Legislative Assembly (MLA) or a Member
  • of Parliament (MP).
  • Contact, or have someone help you contact, the Office of the Representative for Children and Youth.
  • Be told about your rights under the Child, Family and Community Service Act, and how to enforce them.

And, if you are at least 12 years old, you also have the right to:

  • Know when a decision is being made about you in court, so that can be there when it happens.
  • Ask to have your case reviewed, or say you disagree with your placement.
  • Be part of planning for your care.

Useful documents and links