Wellness Services provides family-centered, voluntary support services for children, youth, and their families which are offered through our Early Years team and/or our Mental Health team. Our Wellness Services are available through self-referral, community referral, or social worker referral.

The Mental Health team offers one to one, family and group counselling services, along with parent coaching programs.
The Early Years team includes Aboriginal Infant Development, Supported Child Development and Family Enrichment Programming and is offered on a one to one and/or group basis via a weekly play group, and boy’s/girl’s groups.
Wellness services can be provided in the home, daycare, school, community and at the Agency to ensure that children, youth, and families are being supported in the best way possible.
For complete a referral or for more information about Wellness services, please call 250-314-9669.
Services available to families through the Wellness Team:
- Play groups for infants and children up to age 5 or school entry, and their parents, are welcome every Wednesday. This is a social, emotional and recreational group;
- Assistance finding child care;
- Support and consultation with families, health care providers and other community programs;
- Individual family planning;
- Referrals to early intervention therapists;
- Developmental screening and assessments;
- Preschool and pre-kindergarten development screening;
- Kindergarten readiness planning;
- Assistance accessing community resources;
- Toy and equipment lending library;
- Playgroups;
- Inclusion of traditional language and cultural activities;
- Mother goose and Moe the mouse programs;
- Infant massage;
- Post-natal care;
- Breast feeding consultation;
- Specialized children’s groups, and;
- Traditional parenting program.