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Secwépemc Child and Family Services Agency

The SCFS resource team is very integral to the child protection intake process.

Our agency works to maintain cultural and community connections for all children in our care.

Caregivers are encouraged to attend cultural workshops, while social workers collaborate with communities to ensure that children are connected to their community and family by including everyone in the child care planning process.

In partnership with Interior Community Services, training opportunities are offered for caregivers, community service providers, and staff to keep up to date with new educational resources that are related to supporting the children and families we serve.

A few of these opportunities include:

  • Safe Babies Training
  • Privacy Training
  • Suicide Awareness
  • The resource team participates in numerous workshops, projects, and training opportunities. In partnership with Interior Community Services, training opportunities are also offered for caregivers, community service providers, and staff to keep up to date with new educational resources that are related to supporting the children and families we serve.

    A few of these opportunities include:

  • Fostering Independence to Support Youth Transitioning Out of Care
  • Navigator Clarity??
  • Safe Babies Training
  • Privacy Training
  • Suicide Awareness