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Helpful Links

Contact Info

After Hours Child Protection – 250.310.1234

After Hours Urgent Response – 250.377.0088

BC Nursing Line – 811

Kids Help Phone – 1.800.668.6868

Royal Inland Hospital – 250.374.5111

Foster Parent Help Line – 1.888.495.4440

Youth Resources

ASK Wellness
Boys & Girls Club of Kamloops
Kids Help Line Website
Student Aid BC
Youth in Care Canada
Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks
Speak Out Youth Zone
Big Bear Child & Youth Advocacy Centre
The Healthy Aboriginal Network
Storwell Foster Children Bursary Program

Adult Resources

Kamloops Infant Development Society
CMHA – Kamloops
Make Children First Kamloops
The Representative for Children and Youth Office
Federation of Aboriginal Foster Parents
Community Living BC
Adoptive Families Association of BC

Culture & Language

Connecting Traditions
Land of the Shuswap
First Voices
Chief Atahm School
Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada

Partners in our Community

Interior Community Services
Interior Health Authority and Public Health Nurse
Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Society
Lii Michif Otipemisiwak Family & Community
Kamloops Community YMCA
Aboriginal Employment Services
Kamloops Food Bank and Outreach Services
Kamloops Safe Housing Society
Kamloops Sexual Assault Services
The Mustard Seed
Phoenix Centre
Q’wemtsin Health Society
Secwépemc Cultural Education Society
Volunteer Kamloops
Shuswap Nation Tribal Council
White Buffalo Indigenous Urban Services

Justice and Reconciliation Resources

Victims Services BC RCMP
BC Aboriginal Childcare Society
The Office of the BC Ombudsperson
Elizabeth Fry Society of Canada
Legal Services Society of BC
First Nations Child and Family Services (FNCFS) — Compensation and Reform
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

Government Resources

Family Justice of BC
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
Ministry of Children and Family Development
B.C. First Nations Leadership Council

Health & Wellness Resources

The John Howard Society of Canada
BC Center for Disease Control
BC Drug & Poison Information Centre
BC Health Guide
Dial a Dietitian
Addiction Resource
First Nations Health Authority
Jordan’s Principle
World Health Organization